Illegal Immigrants War

Why are our politicians trying to cause another civil war by putting people against people and labeling them “Illegal Immigrants”?

Lets analyze the term more closely for a moment.

Illegal – Automatically implies that we are talking about someone that committed a crime.

It is important to me to first say this; just because something is made into law and considered illegal it does it mean it is a good law and it does not mean it is constitutional.

Also while you read this post I would like to suggest that you put yourself in the shoes of the people which you considered “illegals”, which for most people constitutes as anyone that has a different skin color and different ethnicity.

For argument sakes picture this: You are the father/mother of 2 or more kids, you work over 60 hours per week to try to feed your family and provide them a good life and your are pretty sure that you will be working 60 hours per week for the rest of your life making extremely little money. We are not talking dollars per hour here we are talking about $0.40 per hour or less for a total of about $100 per month, your bills are: rent, electricity, water, monthly food for the whole family and the other stuff that people need everyday. Even though you work as much as you can and see your family very little as a result when you do see them you notice the sadness in their little eyes, you notice how skinny and hungry they are because after paying bills you didn’t have enough money to buy the right amount of food, candies are a once in a blue moon type of deal for the kids, holidays for you are nothing more than pure pressure and stress, on Christmas your not happy because, all that Santa brings is a slap in your face letting you know that you have failed your family and kids, this Christmas they will go without any present at all and you thank god that you and your family can have a meal on Christmas.

Here is the breakdown monthly:

Income: $100,00
Rent: $ 60,00
Utilities:$ 25,00
Food: whatever is left about $15.00 for the month.

Now that you have imagined a complete different life I have a few questions for you;

  • What would you do to give your family a better life?
  • Can you take watching your kids go hungry and crying because they are hungry most of the time?
  • Would you leave your family behind, so that you can provide them with money so they can eat and grow properly?

Most people that come to the USA does not really want to, however circumstances about their life forces them to come and work to support their family which they had to leave them behind, they make this great sacrifice in order to provide them with life’s essentials and to make sure their kids don’t go hungry anymore.

Now if you are parent you’ll know that there is no pain greater than seeing your child suffer. Even if you are not a parent consider yourself as parents of all the kids of the world, because we are all connected, we are all humans living in the same place called Earth, separation is an illusion just like a rock.

A rock you ask? Here is my point; a piece of rock that you see is nothing more than an illusion, it looks solid to our eyes however once we analyze the rock we find out that it is made out of millions of atoms which are in constant high speed motion which gives the rock the illusion of being a solid material, however in true the rock is not solid from the atoms point of view.

Just like the rock our separateness is an illusion because we are all one, all connected and responsible for each other well being, your family it is not only what you consider family but every human being in this planet from the point of view of an atom and mine.

In a Utopian world people shouldn’t have to suffer from basic necessaries such as food and basic utilities, everyone should have the right to more than enough food and the right to keep warm during the winter, all that is needed to accomplish this is for people to stop thinking of themselves as separate and use all the trillions and more that the world spends on wars and defense every year and use it to feed, shelter the people of the world, but thats another topic.

“Illegals” are only doing one thing, they are working and if people consider working illegal then we are all guilty, given the choice to feed my family between working or committing some serious crime like robing someone for example I would definitely choose working.

We have to stop splitting family up because one person of the family is not a citizen while another is, family should have the right to stay together and forced family separation should be a crime and inhumane.
We all ought to stop treating people that choose to work like if they robbed a bank it is not the same thing.

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